Artists, Designers, and Revolutionaries (ADR)
Artists, Designers, and Revolutionaries (ADR). Where the art, creativity,
and idealism mash to hit the canvas of textile spreading the vision of thought
and inspiration. ADR is the spawn of artists, designers, and revolutionary
producers from Hoodoo Nation clothing to allow creative freedom of expression
through apparel.
ADR is an inexorable militia, a rising nation prepared to open your mind to a new reality of art, revelation, connotation, and pure uncut expression from mind, body, and soul. Designs embody self preservation, independence, transition of thought, government-political-cultural evolution, world awareness, and the ability to make change. ADR creates to make you think, freeing you from the constraints that shackle us to the masses. Whether inspired or offended, your thoughts will propagate and manifest to bring consciousness.
ADR is committed to a creative network of expression. The goal is to put
your art, designs, and principles in the ADR portfolio and market to the
masses. For every artist, designer, and revolutionary there is a story, a
message, a purpose. ADR wants the world to see your creativity with ADR as
the messenger and delivery of explanation. ADR will accept applications from
any and all, art designs must be unique, do not infringe on any trademarks,
and include creator’s story with message about art piece. ADR will
reimburse the artist, designer, revolutionary with royalties and recognition
for only designs used in commerce.